Friday, October 2, 2009

End Transmission video now on KROQ!

KROQ posted a live video of End Transmission at The Roxy's record release party show. You can watch it here, but our reader xXdarockermikeXx ripped it in great quality, and you can download it here! Also, he re-ripped Medicate and Death Of Seasons, as his previous rips were incomplete.

Go and thank him in the comments! :)


  1. End Transmission is one of my favourite songs off Crash Love, but that just sounded terrible. I'm sorry but the essence of the song wasn't captured in that performance. And Davey even repeated a verse twice...I hope that gets a bit better before they hit toronto.

  2. Nice, I hope they continue to post all the rest of the songs. Also, there is a new review from Punknews up here:

  3. I have all of the Kroq videos on my computer if anyone would like them.

  4. Woah, a good review from Punknews!Apocalypse!

  5. I really liked that performance, Davey hit those notes really well compared to the rest of the performance videos that have been released. However, I don't know if it's the band or how these recent shows have been recorded, but I feel a complete lack of energy since they've started touring again. All the songs seem a little lackluster when I see a video of them doing something live. I'm hoping this is a video thing, and not a reflection on the performance.These are my opinions, at least.By the way, Punknews really bashed DU, didn't they? Ha. At least they gave Crash Love a really great review.

  6. @All the PunkNews comments I know that's really cool!although i believe the comments left on there with 1 star ratings, etc... are old afi fans thinking they are cool wasting their 25+ year old lifes commenting bullshit comments :\.. that really dont make sense... AnywaysI liked most of the lives i've heard... just that nyquil one was a waste if you ask me.. it sounded terrible. I hated the lives from DU.....

  7. Jade writes some awesome guitar parts, but I really wish he was a stronger player live...
