Thursday, October 22, 2009

Salt Lake City DF Presale

The DF Presale Password for the Salt Lake City show has been posted by Theory on the DF-exclusive section of the OMB ( We will not give out the presale password.


  1. Thanks! I just got my ticket!

  2. Let me guess, password is "Medicate"?

  3. grr i wanna go soooo bad but the parental units won't let me, they say there will be "bad people" there...yeah vegans and people who don't drink or do drugs lol

  4. Was this the e-mail blast???

  5. BleedBlaqk: Show them Davey's wikipedia and explain to them the straight edge and vegan culture. Explain how many kids in the DF are edge and/or vegetarian/vegan (myself included).Show them some of the threads and how we all stick up for one another. My parents were actually hesitant as well. Once I showed them some of it, htey basicially said, "OK, I know how much you love the band. Go ahead."Mike: No its not in the email blst. If you are a DF member go to the main homepage and under news it says it.

  6. Ok so this means there is still goin to be a email blast rite?
