Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Expect New AFI E-mail Blast Soon

Theory (AFI's webmaster) made a tweet a few hours ago saying he was building an AFI e-mail blast. Expect to see it soon, if not tonight. We'll update this post when the blast goes out.

Thanks to MiniMissMurder for the heads up!!!


  1. DAMMIT! I e-mailed this to Pablo a few minutes after the tweet because it said "weekdays" for Pablo. I always end up e-mailing the wrong person. :(

  2. Ooooh, nice. I totally missed that tweet. :D

  3. I hope it is something BIG not like last time with Ziggy Stardust. OHH CHECK OUT MY NEW PICTURE I PUT ALL THE HIDDEN PICS INTO ONE AND THEY FIT PERFECTLY

  4. Haha, I see that Mike! And MMM, you can just send the e-mail to both of us, and one of us will have it posted soon enough. :)

  5. Thanks Jill. I was at the University.You can email Mary aswell :)

  6. And I'm on a hell of a lot too, so you can email me too. :)

  7. Mike, I check proboably 10 times a day. Also, Mike, I saw you uploaded the Hunter chat. Which one mentions the blog?

  8. @Mary what did u check 10x? Oh and I have no ideo I will go over it and tell u rite away

  9. My email. I check quite often so feel free to email me tips.
