Sunday, February 15, 2009

Despair Faction Investigating Image on

The current buzz on the board is about an image found on that appears to be all black, but has certain dots and lines when digitally enhanced.
The picture is possibly the first picture from the series of car pictures that began appearing on the site on December 18, 2008. The picture names spelled out “Through Our Bleeding We Are One” in morse code.
At this point we do not know whether this could be a clue. I am reporting it because there is such a frenzy over it on the Despair Faction boards.

EDIT: Theory may have been referring to the aforementioned page when he told us “the page is not significant.”

Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.

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