Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jade in New Issue Of Guitar World

Jade blogged earlier today that he has an article in the upcoming issue of Guitar World Magazine. In it he discusses the writing process of Crash Love and briefly mentioned Blaqk Audio.

You can see the scan here.


  1. i saw on guitarworld.com that it hit newsstands on 12/15. ☺

  2. The Refused Les Paul!!! Glad to see it's still around.

  3. My brother bought that in an airport last Friday. It's a good article, even though some of the more technical guitar stuff lost me. But anything that gets beyond the typical "So Crash Love sounds different!!!!!" is fine by me. :P (Somewhat-entertaining side note: my brother got all excited about the article and tried to show me over the seat in the plane, but only succeeded in hitting the guy I was sitting next to in the face with the magazine. Whoops.)

  4. I hate how they say the record is just straight up "Rock".. it's got a ton of POP sounds in it.

  5. I think they mean that in terms of the writing process and the though behind it. They didn't go into it looking for punk, hardcore, or electronica ideas, they went into the writing process with the intention of writing a rock album. And even if the songs come out with a strong pop vibe to it, I still think the album has more of a rock and roll feel to it.

  6. oh no =( they misspelled Bloc Party
