Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crash Love on Year-End Lists

Crash Love has been mentioned both in Dogmatic's 10 Albums of the Year and in Metromix's Top 20 Flops of the Year.

Dogmatic said, “…Whilst it doesn’t quite recapture the magic of the band’s 2003 Dogmatic Album of the Year ‘Sing The Sorrow’, AFI returns to their melodic Goth Punk best with ‘Crash Love’."

Metromix said, "...but in this case, 'straightforward' apparently translated as 'dull'—at least to the ears of all those newfound fans, who sent 'Crash Love' crashing down the charts." (Here is Metromix's review of Crash Love.)


  1. I realize that album sales are viewed as important, and in the industry they are, but for the love of God. Album sales DO NOT reflect the quality of a record. Especially when you look at the average top 20 list. Goddamnit

  2. I agree, plus I don't think its fair to compare the success of a 2009 released album to one released in 2006. Album sales have tanked in the entire industry.

  3. Anyone notice how at the bottom of the Metromix review, they said that the early stuff had a different lineup, save Havok. I think they forgot about Adam.

  4. I noticed that as well, Frisk. Somebody at Metromix thought they had done oh-so-much research.

  5. Yet Metromix's review gave it 4/5 stars?

  6. yeah seriously, they seemed to base the review off of the comparison to opening week sales of decemberunderground. Crash Love had sales of about 150,000 the first week, and if you consider all of the itunes and downloading you can go ahead and double that number atleast once. Album sales still have a chance of making a comeback if Beautiful Thieves does well on the charts, so we will see.

  7. Poor Adam, forgotten again. :(

  8. Afi is one of the few bands where no matter how long they're around or how popular they get, people just don't get them.

  9. Screw critics, we all hate 'em! Crash Love just may be my FAVORITE AFI album after all the many times I've listened to it. The more you hear it, the more you love it!

  10. Why does everyone forget about Adam? :/

  11. I just think that is far to easy criticize the work of others whilw you're sipping coffee from your desk. I would like them to try and make somehing worthwhile. It's even worse when he's not even capable of doing his own research (I don't get it, even I, in a country in the other end of the world, know that Adam was in AFI since the begginini).Anyways it's really sad that the greatness of an album is measured by the number of copies they sold. No disrespected intended here, but The Black Eyed Peas sold a lot of albums this year and I still consider them s****

  12. wow, and i just realized the "bad" review still gave the album 4/5 stars! hahahahah

  13. I think most people here are losing sight of what the Metromix list actually IS. They're not trying to say it's a bad record by putting it on the "top 20 flops," list, just that the sales of the album are in direct contrast to what they would have predicted based on fanbase, previous work, and/or the quality of the record. If you look at the whole list, there are a whole bunch of albums that metromix actually did really like that made it onto the flop list.That said, I think the marketing for Crash Love was crap. I think a lot of fans coming from the previous record didn't even know it was coming out.

  14. With the lack of promotion and a pre-released video, I think Crash Love did well for what it did sale, over 50,000 copies in the first week. For that I don't think it should be considered a flop. To compare, singer Shakira was all over the radio with her single months prior to her record being released, not to mention she is marginally more famous and well known in the US than AFI, but she barely sold more than AFI's 50,000 copies in her first week when her album came out in late fall.

  15. oh yeah i got those numbers wrong, i believe opening week sales for crash was 56,000, and DU was 150,000. Yeah i think it was a combination of a few things, interscope didnt promote the album at all! The only thing i remembered for promotion was the stupid Twitter crash spamfest that happened to reveal the tracklisting, and i wouldnt call that marketing. Another factor would be that its almost 4 years later in a music industry where cd sales have only gone down since. There doesnt seem to be a music video station that is worldwide that ranks the new videos based on votes anymore either (TRL?) I remember miss murder and love like winter owning the countdown on TRL and that surely helped album sales.
