Monday, September 6, 2010

ZIGABID Footage of AFI Irvine, California

Leaving Song Pt II


  1. Davey is looking sharp as fuck and the whole band is pretty on point. Sucks because this is the last we will see of AFI for the next 2 years or so.

  2. I like the different redition of the song. Just i dislike the really high "AHs. or watever"... for this song they don't work LOL.

    You can tell the vocal surgery had an huge impact on how he sounds on the Sing the Sorrow stuff..

  3. yeah, that's the first thing i noticed too.

  4. i hope he doesnt axe the screaming altogether.

    looks like he enjoys it.

  5. He has said in a few interviews that he really doesn't enjoy screaming anymore.

  6. Davey looks and sounds amazing. Gotta luv him

  7. We may not see AFI for a couple of years but we can see Blaqk Audio!!

  8. Why is he screaming it anyways, none of the songs on Sing The Sorrow were really screamed except maybe Death Of Seasons. All the other songs he uses those yells not screams.

  9. Because he can't do those yells anymore since he had those vocal nodes. He has to either do this really basic screaming voice or an oddly pitched yelp in old songs.
