Friday, November 6, 2009

No DF Line for New York Show

Gavin just posted an announcement on the AFI Message Board saying:
There will not be a DF-only line perk for the NYC show next week due to time and space constraints. We hope to work up an alternate perk but the line will definitely not exist. If you want to be at the front, you'll need to show up early as with any other show.

Other shows will continue to have this perk, although we will be changing the method of entry soon, so check this space before your show!


  1. DF is such a waste of $.. sorry to everyone in it =\.. but it is. LOL

  2. It only takes a couple of perks to justify $30. Though I agree that it's not what it used to be...

  3. Ia there any point to going to a show eary if the DF can get in first anyway?

  4. The DF package itself is worth $30 imo. You get the shirt, poster, wristband, button & sticker...then there's the additional perks like UTR and cut the line etc.

  5. Good cause im not in the df and everytime i go to a show theres hundreds of ppl ahead of me lol so kinda glad theres no df line in the ny show in wich im going =]
