Friday, April 1, 2011

AFI to release box set of 8 live DVDs + EP!

This was an April Fool's prank.

UPDATE: Word is that the band I Fight Dragons might be opening for the DVD shows. You can watch their video below.

During these days with no relevant AFI information, Jade tweeted they've been practicing for the first time in months. After AFI finished their contract with Intercope Records, we know that AFI met with Dexter Holland, owner of Nitro Records, and they signed a 4 year and 3 album releases contract with Nitro Record, and since Blaqk Audio is releasing Bright Black Heaven soon and AFI is not recording any new material soon, the first release will be a 8 (eight!!) DVD box set under Nitro Records!

"This is the biggest release Nitro Records has ever done and possibly the biggest we'll do. We're very glad to have our friends of AFI back in the label and we're hoping the best for them and us. They've put out many good albums after their first time with us so we're thrilled to have them back!" - Dexter Holland, in an e-mail interview with AFI News HQ

It was also revealed to us that this box set will contain 8 DVDs, each consisting in a live performance of every AFI album, all played from start to finish, including Nitro's vinyl only songs, mimicing Coheed and Cambria's "Neverender" release!!

According to them, the 8 dates only mini tour is:

May 26th 2011 - Berkeley Square, Berkeley, CA (Answer That show)
May 28th 2011 - 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA (Very Proud show)
May 30th 2011 - Nokia Theatre, New York (Shut Your Mouth + AFI EP show)
June 5th 2011 - Astoria, London England (Black Sails show)(DF only show)
June 7th 2011 - Bercy, Paris, France (All Hallow's + The Art of Drowning show)
June 13th 2011 - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA (Sing The Sorrow show)
June 16th 2011 - Estadio Azteca, Mexico City, México (Decemberunderground show)
June 19th 2011 - The Troubadour, CA (Crash Love show)(DF only show)

Prices for shows are $37 USD, if you show your Despair Faction card you get a 20% discount. Ticket information will be released as soon as we know!

The DVD box set will feature:

* 8 (eight) live DVDs consisting of the entire show of AFI performing all songs from their albums, depending on each show
* Nitro's special edition of each album, featuring alternate covers and band comments of each album
* A 100 page book, featuring full color pictures of exclusive AFI photos from their Nitro Records era
* An EP featuring unreleased songs like Behind the Times' "Stupidest", "Weight of Words" and more!!

The DVD will be released on August 28th 2011 and we still don't know the price. Stay tuned!

This is the best opportunity to see AFI performing their old songs, and songs they haven't even played live!


  1. When will we be able to get tickets? Does anyone know?

  2. Thanks. Hopefully will be able to go to the London one.

  3. I sense an april fool's joke...

  4. is this even for real?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. wait! do you know how the discounts will work? like, if they're selling tix online how do we get the 20% off? or do you believe they'll sell tix at the door and we show our cards and it's a limited person showing only?

  7. Is this gonna be available to people in the UK?

  8. Wait... you guys better not be messing with us cause its april 1st....
    I got so excited.

  9. This is the cruelest April Fool's Day joke of all time. D:

  10. april fools joke

  11. It has to be an April fools, The Astoria doesn't exist anymore.

  12. If this is an April Fools I am so not amused. <_<

  13. Yeah guys...uh look at the date today!

  14. Got so excited, realize it's an April Fool's joke. BOO.

  15. I wish! That would be insane!!

  16. Haha, great recovery with the rickroll. You gave it away with the supposed recording of "Weight of Words" which we all know doesn't exist.

  17. Wait.... NO THIS ISN'T APRIL FOOLS... They Know that we would all hate them! If it is I'm gonna die! I'm just going to be crying my eyes out all day! This better not be a sick joke!!!! I probably won't even give them the money for the Despair Faction if this is some sick joke!!! God!

  18. Guys, it's April Fools. Lighten up a bit :)

  19. @mccartneygirl151

    Dude, chill out. Its a joke from AFI HQ..

  20. Wow, that was a bummer. You guys sure fooled me!

  21. @McCartneygirl151 while we are AFI's only official fansite we are not related to the DF. If you're that pissed, we are sorry, but please don't take it out on the DF.

    Seriously everyone. It's a joke, calm down :)

  22. Hahahaha.
    @McCartneygirl151 stop trollin eh? :D

  23. Unfortunately she's not trolling. She's a new member on the boards and she pretty much said the same thing there.

  24. She misspelled Connecticut on the boards haha.

  25. Eh, everyone's a troll today.

  26. I kinda hope she doesn't freak out like that one girl that took a "hiatus" because Davey chose to leave through a different door in NYC.

  27. Why did I even pick Mexico as the DU show? lol

  28. God, how I wished that just the tiniest bit of this were true. :(

  29. I got excited enough to jump off a window! :'( lol but good one

  30. Nice one. This so so cruel though XD does afi know you guys did this? Haha

  31. @Ina I tweeted the link to Hunter, not sure if he looked at it though.

  32. damn it damn it damn it! oh well. good one. i knew something was a bit fishy when i saw The Gilman. they arent allowed to play there anymore.

  33. This joke now has the Tranquil Mammoth seal of approval!

  34. I'm old guys... this coulda killed me =(
    ... but I woulda died happy. Was ready to go transcon to Astoria...sigh...

  35. Hahahaha Priceless!

  36. People who freak out like that should really just take a second and calm down. It was April 1st, and we all know its April Fools. If you are going to hate on a band, or on someone for pulling a prank on you... Then I am sorry but you have the other side of the brain, that is most likely less mature.
    It was a prank, it was a joke. Half of us were expecting this, and truly... WHO CARES!?! HAHAHAHA! T'was funny. Almost fell for it. xDD

  37. bad form. it was a good take off but a bad landing. really?!!! Mexico?? really!!!?

  38. what do you mean by that, janscutter?

  39. I was super excited... I mean, really excited... Then I found out that they won't be playing any of their newer stuff in the bay area. Only Answer That and VPOY. I'm a pretty big fan of Answer That, and I'm going to try to go, even though it's a day before I'm supposed to be going to a convention with my girlfriend. She's a big AFI fan too, but not so much a fan of their earlier stuff, which sucks in itself. I'd do anything to see the black sails show. Seriously, but there's simply no way.

  40. Also, I guess if I would have bothered with watching the video, I wouldn't have bought into it... Seriously though, this would be a good market plan for AFI. People would flock to hear them play albums live.
    Is the part about them joining back to Nitro true though? I don't know who to trust anymore.

  41. @Matthew, read the first line of the post lol. Really.

    @Coffeeandspiders it's the same size as the rest of the post, and bright yellow. We tried to make it obvious even before we said it was a joke.

  42. There haven't been many posts lately! I miss this! When is Bright Black Heaven coming out, does anyone know?

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