8/1 2:21 a.m. - The 5th track becomes yet another tweet counter. This time we need 1000 tweets before our next title is revealed. Follow along on the tweet counter above.

8/1 2:17 a.m. - The 4th song title, “I Am Trying Very Hard To Be Here” becomes a link to a YouTube video. As expected, it is a 30-second clip of the Begin Transmission winners singing the backing vocals to the chorus of IATVHTBH in the studio.
8/1 2:05 a.m. - The 4th song title changes from the incorrect “Trying Very Hard To Be Here” to the correct “I Am Trying Very Hard To Be Here.”
7/31 9:43 p.m. - We have reached 2,000 tweets for the 4th song title and we have revealed “Trying Very Hard To Be Here.” This title is different in that there is no “I Am.” Stay tuned for more.
7/31 1:52 p.m. - AFI has made a Twitter update. The link leads to a video still of the Begin Transmission winners singing. Both the tweet and the picture are labeled with a “+” sign, referencing the symbols currently on AFireInside.net.
7/31 11:20 a.m. - The page at AFireInside.net has been updated to show the first three song titles. The fourth title had a “+” symbol representing it and will require 2,000 tweets to unlock. This suggests that it is a new track.

7/31 3:00 a.m. - The 1,000 tweets required for the 3rd song title have been reached. This title is Beautiful Thieves. It’s not a new one. But the background image has changed to reveal something in black and white.

7/31 12:59 a.m. - Theory makes two posts in the thread on the OMB. The first one is “mush mush.” The second one is “What does plus mean to you?” He is referring to the plus symbols that have been added to the site.
7/31 12:50 a.m. - AFireInside.net is updated. We now have a string of + symbols and . symbols running down the area that is presumably the tracklist area for Crash Love.
7/31 12:33 a.m. - The number of tweets required to reveal the 3rd song is lowered from 2,000 to 1,000, undoubtedly due to the massive amount of complaining from the board.
7/31 12:00 a.m. - Below the new song title, we see yet another “Tweet to Reveal” button, and the cycle of tweeting begins all over again to find the 3rd song title. Yet again we must achieve 2,000 tweets.
7/30 11:46 p.m. - After 6 hours of tweeting, we finally achieve our goal of 2,000 tweets. What do we receive? A new song title: “Darling, I Want To Destroy You.” There is a significant backlash from board members complaining that they tweeted for 6 hours to get one song title.
7/30 7:29 p.m. - A line in the identification for the AFI Crash Love Twitter App from theory reads “Tweet to Reveal AFI Crash Love tracklisting and More.” So now we know that we will be getting the tracklisting, as well as something more, for tweeting.
7/30 6:00 p.m. - The people in the OMB thread finally realize that theory’s App will only accept 1 tweet from each account. People start creating extra Twitter accounts to get around this issue, and the number of tweets steadily climbs.
7/30 5:45 p.m. - The AFireInside.net page changes to show this image with the words “Tweet to Reveal.” When you first visit the page, you see a “Login” button below the title Medicate. Clicking that will take you to a Login screen in theory’s AFI Crash Love Twitter App. Once you have logged in using your Twitter username and password, and have granted the app access to your account, you are redirected back to AFireInside.net. You are prompted to click “Tweet to Reveal.” When you click that, you automatically tweet the following update: “Tweeting to reveal @AFI #CrashLove at http://afireinside.net.”
After that, you will see the counter, which tells you how many tweets have been completed out of 2,000 required tweets. At this point it is not known what we will get once we reach 2,000 tweets.
7/30 5:22 p.m. - Theory, AFI’s site webmaster, posts a Twitter update saying “SO MUCH WORK TODAY @AFI kids, get ready to Tweet!”
7/30 5:08 p.m. – The site title changes from “C R A S H” to “A F I / C R A S H” with spaces still in between each letter.
7/30 3:50 p.m. – AFireInside.net is changed from the splash page of Wednesday to a blank, black screen with a very sparse source code. The title is “C R A S H” with spaces between each letter.