You’ve [got] the first word right! I don’t think a single will be decided on until the whole album is finished, but you never know. DXH
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
"Cold" Is Part of a Crash Love Song Title
We have a confirmed part of a second Crash Love song title, determined from the studio video featuring a progress chart with track names on it. The general consensus is that the title is “Cold Hands.” A Despair Faction member asked Davey about this title, as well as the possibility of a first single, in an Ask AFI question. Unfortunately the questioner mistakenly asked about “Cold Breath” being the song title instead of “Cold Hands.” Davey replied with the following:
Jade Talks Jawbreaker In New Alt Press Issue
In the July 2009 issue of Alternative Press, a music magazine, 24 artists were asked to write a page-long essay about a band who inspired them to make music their life. Jade Puget of AFI wrote about the band Jawbreaker. A scan of his essay can be found here. (Credit to LikeBricks on the DF)
In other news, the studio video AFI posted yesterday contains an interesting shot at about 22 seconds. Several board members have found frames in the video that clearly show a studio progress chart with what appears to be track names. The only title that is somewhat discernable is “Cold Hands.” However this title has not been confirmed by anybody. If you would like to see the enhanced frame, click here.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
In other news, the studio video AFI posted yesterday contains an interesting shot at about 22 seconds. Several board members have found frames in the video that clearly show a studio progress chart with what appears to be track names. The only title that is somewhat discernable is “Cold Hands.” However this title has not been confirmed by anybody. If you would like to see the enhanced frame, click here.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
On The Arrow Available On iTunes
Before AFI’s Nitro Years catalogue was removed from iTunes for one month, the iTunes bonus track for Decemberunderground, “On The Arrow,” was only downloadable if you also bought the entire album. Now you are able to purchase “On The Arrow” for 99 cents, just like every other song on the record. Click here to go to the iTunes Store page. The song can also be found on the Australian Love Like Winter single.
In other iTunes-related AFI news, Black Sails In The Sunset is no longer listed as a partial album as it was previously. Now all 12 tracks are available. “Morningstar” is still missing from The Art of Drowning.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
In other iTunes-related AFI news, Black Sails In The Sunset is no longer listed as a partial album as it was previously. Now all 12 tracks are available. “Morningstar” is still missing from The Art of Drowning.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Friday, May 29, 2009
3 Songs From Crash Love Mixed
Hunter has posted a Twitter update from the airport on the way to Chicago. He is listening to AFI mixes, of which three have been completed. There are 9 still remaining. AFI began mixing Crash Love on Thursday, May 14. They completed the first song on Saturday, May 23. Since then they have mixed two more songs.
One possibility brought up in a comment here was that the first song took longer to mix because AFI was trying to find the correct sound they wanted. If that is true, the rest of the mixing should be faster as well.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
One possibility brought up in a comment here was that the first song took longer to mix because AFI was trying to find the correct sound they wanted. If that is true, the rest of the mixing should be faster as well.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Guitar Hero 5 featuring AFI
Apparently Guitar Hero is still making games. Who knew? They’re up to their fifth game which will include several talented artists, including our own AFI. The game is set to be released September 1st, 2009.
CBS Radio brought us the AFI news. A scavenger hunt put out by Rock Band began on Tuesday to unveil the artists, you can read more about that here. As we all know, GH has featured Miss Murder and Carcinogen Crush in the past. IGN proclaims this upcoming game as “Featuring genre-defining hits from some of the biggest rock artists and bands of all time, the entire set list is at players’ finger tips from the start.”
Loads of speculation as to what this AFI song could be. Genre defining? I’m rooting for Days of the Phoenix. What about you guys?
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
CBS Radio brought us the AFI news. A scavenger hunt put out by Rock Band began on Tuesday to unveil the artists, you can read more about that here. As we all know, GH has featured Miss Murder and Carcinogen Crush in the past. IGN proclaims this upcoming game as “Featuring genre-defining hits from some of the biggest rock artists and bands of all time, the entire set list is at players’ finger tips from the start.”
Loads of speculation as to what this AFI song could be. Genre defining? I’m rooting for Days of the Phoenix. What about you guys?
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Crash Love Will Have 12 Songs
According to a Twitter update made by Hunter on Saturday afternoon, AFI has finished mixing one song from Crash Love, and has 11 more to go. This suggests that the album will have 12 tracks. However, this is not set in stone, so that number could possibly change.
One @AFI song mixed, eleven to go! I sure hope no one is holding their breath!
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
AFI To Appear In New Alternative Press Issue
In the July 2009 issue of Alternative Press magazine, 24 essays will be written by members of 24 different bands about the artists who inspired them to pick up an instrument and start playing music. One of these essays will be written by a member of AFI. At this point it is unclear which member it will be.
AFI did not get the cover, however AFI has been featured on the cover Alt Press before, most recently in the July 2006 issue.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
AFI did not get the cover, however AFI has been featured on the cover Alt Press before, most recently in the July 2006 issue.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Jade Details Blaqk Audio Activities
Jade has made a post on his blog describing the activities of Blaqk Audio last weekend. This corresponds to the Twitter update he made last Friday.
Traveled up to the Bay Area this weekend to record vocals for a cover song Blaqk Audio is doing for a Love and Rockets tribute album. Adam was nice enough to come over and join us for backing vocals. Then spent 7 hours in my hotel room editing and mixing.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Filed under:
Blaqk Audio
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Davey Hints At Time Frame For First Single
In an Ask AFI question on the Despair Faction boards, Davey answered a question about the date of a first single coming out. To the question he replied:
Early on Tuesday morning, Davey answered another Ask AFI question, this time about Black Sails In The Sunset’s 10th anniversary. If you can get around the complex sentence structure:
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
“Well, I imagine so. Do you consider late summer early fall the near future? I’d guess it will probably be around then.”
Early on Tuesday morning, Davey answered another Ask AFI question, this time about Black Sails In The Sunset’s 10th anniversary. If you can get around the complex sentence structure:
“I imagine you’ll enjoy Crash Love for, though it doesn’t sound like it per se, I’ve come to think it has a similar feel as BSITS – a similar ethos and energy at it’s core.”
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Black Sails In The Sunset 10th Anniversary

Black Sails In The Sunset was released on May 18, 1999, and today marks its 10th anniversary. This pivotal album in AFI’s history was the first to feature Jade Puget. It spawned hits such as Malleus Maleficarum and God Called In Sick Today, and also included other great songs like Narrative of Soul Against Soul and No Poetic Device. And how can we forget the most famous AFI lyric ever?
Through Our Bleeding, We Are One.
Help us honor this great album by sharing your favorite song, lyric, or musical section in a comment.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Blaqk Audio Recording New Song
On Friday evening, Jade posted a Twitter update regarding Blaqk Audio. This follows through on what Davey and Jade said on Loveline.
"In the studio, recording a Blaqk Audio, featuring one Adam Carson on vox."
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Filed under:
Blaqk Audio
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Jade Posts Detailed Update
In Jade on May 14, 2009 at 12:53 am
Jade Puget has posted a lengthy update on the Despair Faction/Official Message Board to give us an update on Crash Love.
* AFI spent April recording the final group of songs for Crash Love with Irish producer Jacknife Lee, who has worked with Regina Spektor, U2, and R.E.M. The session produced “unique” material that rounds out the record well.
* AFI will begin the mixing process tomorrow with Rich Costey, who has mixed/produced with Muse, Foo Fighters, and many more.
* AFI is beginning to plan their tour dates, both in the United States and overseas. AFI will keep us updated as the dates get confirmed.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Jade Puget has posted a lengthy update on the Despair Faction/Official Message Board to give us an update on Crash Love.
* AFI spent April recording the final group of songs for Crash Love with Irish producer Jacknife Lee, who has worked with Regina Spektor, U2, and R.E.M. The session produced “unique” material that rounds out the record well.
* AFI will begin the mixing process tomorrow with Rich Costey, who has mixed/produced with Muse, Foo Fighters, and many more.
* AFI is beginning to plan their tour dates, both in the United States and overseas. AFI will keep us updated as the dates get confirmed.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Davey Begins Poster Contest on OMB
Davey Havok and Gavin, the administrator of the AFI Official Message Board, have teamed up to create a poster-winning contest. Through the years of recording music, Davey has hung up posters of singers and bands that mean a lot to him in his recording room. Now he is going to give them away to fans.
This contest is Despair Faction only.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
“I’m going to put up a description of a singer, band, or film and the first person to guess who I’m talking about and post the correct answer in the thread below will be sent the poster. I’ll point the winners out to Gavin who will then contact them and help with the actual poster sending and receiving. I’ll post a new clue every day, unless it takes more than a day for someone to figure out the active poster clue. It’s casual.
Some of the posters are pretty tore up, but they’re all autographed on the back by all of afi. I also drew a “crash love” heart on the back of each, although some of them are pretty poorly done. One looks more like a misfortunate whale than any sort of heart.”
This contest is Despair Faction only.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Davey Speaks About 9/29/09
In response to an Ask AFI question about whether September 29th, 2009 was the release date for Crash Love, as is being reported by FYE, Davey gave us this reply.
“Wow, I have no idea where that came from. The record isn’t even finished yet. As far as we know, there’s no release date set.”
We learned from Davey on Loveline that the recording process is complete. Additionally, Crash Love has already entered the mixing phase.
“Wow, I have no idea where that came from. The record isn’t even finished yet. As far as we know, there’s no release date set.”
We learned from Davey on Loveline that the recording process is complete. Additionally, Crash Love has already entered the mixing phase.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Possible Crash Love Release Date: 9/29
AFI’s new album, Crash Love may be released on Tuesday, September 29th, 2009.
This news comes directly from FYE, an entertainment chain owned by Trans World Entertainment. FYE gets release date information directly from the record company, Interscope. This release date is therefore 100% official. This does not mean, however, that the date will not be pushed back nearer to the release.
UPDATE: One fact that must be considered is that FYE has been wrong about AFI release dates before, most notably the EP slated for summer 2008 release. Though this does not automatically discredit the release date, September 29 has not been confirmed by the band themselves.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
This news comes directly from FYE, an entertainment chain owned by Trans World Entertainment. FYE gets release date information directly from the record company, Interscope. This release date is therefore 100% official. This does not mean, however, that the date will not be pushed back nearer to the release.
UPDATE: One fact that must be considered is that FYE has been wrong about AFI release dates before, most notably the EP slated for summer 2008 release. Though this does not automatically discredit the release date, September 29 has not been confirmed by the band themselves.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Davey Expects 2009 US Tour
In a recent Ask AFI question, Davey Havok was asked whether AFI would be touring the US before 2010. His reply, complete with what seems to be a typo:
“I [can't] say we’ll definitely tour the states before 2010 but I expect that we will.”
You can find the Ask AFI question here on the Official Message Board. (Note: this is Despair Faction members only.)
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
“I [can't] say we’ll definitely tour the states before 2010 but I expect that we will.”
You can find the Ask AFI question here on the Official Message Board. (Note: this is Despair Faction members only.)
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Everything You Need To Know
What: Davey Havok and Jade Puget will be appearing on the radio show Loveline tonight. See this post on the blog for more information. Also, click here to see video of Davey before the Loveline taping.
When: Pacific Time: 10:00 P.M. Mountain Time: 11:00 P.M. Central Time: 12:00 A.M. Eastern Time: 1:00 A.M. The show will last for 2 hours. Davey and Jade will be there for the entire time.
How to Listen: AFI News Headquarters recommends that unless you know exactly how to get KROQ on your radio, you should listen through the player on To access the player, go to the top right corner of the page and click on the “Listen Live” button. This is the one in red text with a white audio symbol. This will launch the player. If you are having trouble with the player, your next best option is to listen to the show on Loveline’s Live Feed page.
To call into the show, dial 1-800-LOVE-191.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
When: Pacific Time: 10:00 P.M. Mountain Time: 11:00 P.M. Central Time: 12:00 A.M. Eastern Time: 1:00 A.M. The show will last for 2 hours. Davey and Jade will be there for the entire time.
How to Listen: AFI News Headquarters recommends that unless you know exactly how to get KROQ on your radio, you should listen through the player on To access the player, go to the top right corner of the page and click on the “Listen Live” button. This is the one in red text with a white audio symbol. This will launch the player. If you are having trouble with the player, your next best option is to listen to the show on Loveline’s Live Feed page.
To call into the show, dial 1-800-LOVE-191.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
New Contest on DarkFlame’s AFI Community
I digress from the news to announce to all of you that there is a new contest on the AFI News Headquarters parent site, DarkFlame’s AFI Community.
To enter, all you need to do is add 1 video OR add 4 photos to the site galleries (you must be a member to add, but sign-up is quick). Adding videos and photos is ridiculously quick and easy, and the prizes for winning the random drawing are pretty great. You will receive access to a secret site, which contains:
* One exclusive high quality video of AFI performing a song live
* Downloadable versions of the hundreds of AFI photos on the site currently unable to be downloaded.
Since the contest started this morning over 500 photos and over two dozen videos have been added. Join the fun. Grow the community. Win some prizes.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
To enter, all you need to do is add 1 video OR add 4 photos to the site galleries (you must be a member to add, but sign-up is quick). Adding videos and photos is ridiculously quick and easy, and the prizes for winning the random drawing are pretty great. You will receive access to a secret site, which contains:
* One exclusive high quality video of AFI performing a song live
* Downloadable versions of the hundreds of AFI photos on the site currently unable to be downloaded.
Since the contest started this morning over 500 photos and over two dozen videos have been added. Join the fun. Grow the community. Win some prizes.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Davey and Jade on Loveline Monday: Details
On Monday night at 10:00 P.M. PST and 1:00 A.M. EST, Davey Havok and Jade Puget will be appearing on the radio show Loveline. The show can be heard in two places: the official Loveline Web site OR on Last Thursday night Davey alone appeared on the show. Audio of that interview can be found here.
Just like Thrusday night’s show, you should go and here it at’s “Listen Live” section. This is a fail-proof way of doing things. However, you may want to test out the Listen Live feature beforehand to figure out if you need any plug-ins. That way you won’t be scrambling to get the player to work five minutes before the show.
To access’s Listen Live feature, go to their Web site and find the Listen Live button in the top right corner (not the Rockin 80s Listen Live, but the red text one). Keep in mind that this show airs in different time zones at different times. People on Central Time will hear the show at midnight, and people on Eastern Standard Time will hear the show at 1:00 A.M. Mountain Time will be 11:00 P.M.
I hope this detailed guide helps eliminate any confusion about how to hear Loveline on Monday night. Enjoy the show!
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Just like Thrusday night’s show, you should go and here it at’s “Listen Live” section. This is a fail-proof way of doing things. However, you may want to test out the Listen Live feature beforehand to figure out if you need any plug-ins. That way you won’t be scrambling to get the player to work five minutes before the show.
To access’s Listen Live feature, go to their Web site and find the Listen Live button in the top right corner (not the Rockin 80s Listen Live, but the red text one). Keep in mind that this show airs in different time zones at different times. People on Central Time will hear the show at midnight, and people on Eastern Standard Time will hear the show at 1:00 A.M. Mountain Time will be 11:00 P.M.
I hope this detailed guide helps eliminate any confusion about how to hear Loveline on Monday night. Enjoy the show!
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Davey’s Loveline Interview
I’ll keep it G-rated. Here’s what we know:
- Crash Love will be released in the Fall
- Jade is finishing final guitar parts
- An album’s worth of songs has been written for Blaqk Audio
- Nick 13, Dan Under, Ben Gray, and AFI on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. doing gang vocals for Crash Love
- Davey and Jade will be back on Loveline on Monday
Click here to download the entire show ad-free.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Davey’s Loveline Interview
I’ll keep it G-rated. Here’s what we know:
* Crash Love will be released in the Fall
* Jade is finishing final guitar parts
* An album’s worth of songs has been written for Blaqk Audio
* Nick 13, Dan Under, Ben Gray, and AFI on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. doing gang vocals for Crash Love
* Davey and Jade will be back on Loveline on Monday
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
* Crash Love will be released in the Fall
* Jade is finishing final guitar parts
* An album’s worth of songs has been written for Blaqk Audio
* Nick 13, Dan Under, Ben Gray, and AFI on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. doing gang vocals for Crash Love
* Davey and Jade will be back on Loveline on Monday
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
AFI To Play Festival In Austria
Before AFI hits up Ludinghausen, Germany on August 22, they will play a show in the Frequency Day Park Festival in St. Polten, Austria. Click here for more information and click here for tickets.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Davey To Appear On Loveline Thursday
Davey Havok will be appearing on the radio show Loveline tonight (Thursday) at 10 p.m. Pacific Time. The show will be aired on the east coast at 1:00 a.m. You can click here to hear it live when it airs. On the top of the navigation links on the left there is a “Listen Live” option.
Loveline is a show generally about things not meant for younger folks. If you don’t understand what I’m implying, use your imagination. Davey is a musical guest tonight. The audio will be available tomorrow night (Friday).
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Loveline is a show generally about things not meant for younger folks. If you don’t understand what I’m implying, use your imagination. Davey is a musical guest tonight. The audio will be available tomorrow night (Friday).
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
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