Earlier this afternoon AFI posted the third in the “Day In the Life” videos featuring winners from the Begin Transmission contest. This third video is of Mark. In the video, Mark wears Smith out on an “epic” bike ride, discusses his upbringing, and tells us about the role of music in his life.
This video comes two weeks after the last video, Raine’s Day In the Life. Two weeks before that we saw Natacia’s Day In the Life video. It is fairly safe to say that in two more weeks we will see Courtney’s Day In the Life video.
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Monday, March 30, 2009
Hunter Posts Video Response 5 of 7
On Monday, Hunter gave us the fifth video in his series of responses to questions asked on his blog. Related to AFI, he discusses his first time playing with AFI, and when he joined.
Beyond that, it’s just Hunter being Hunter as he discusses fathering octuplets, fictional societies, bear vs. shark fights, crazy dreams, squareulars, and more. Click here to view the video.
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Beyond that, it’s just Hunter being Hunter as he discusses fathering octuplets, fictional societies, bear vs. shark fights, crazy dreams, squareulars, and more. Click here to view the video.
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AFI Announces Five New Shows
In tour on March 30, 2009 at 10:10 pm
AFI has announced five new shows at various festivals for 2009. They are:
Edgefest – Toronto, Canada, June 20 8:00 P.M.
Area 4 Festival – Ludinghausen, Germany, August 22 8:00 P.M.
Highfield Festival – Erhert Hohenfelden, Germany, August 23 8:00 P.M.
Leeds Festival – Leeds, United Kingdom, August 29 8:00 P.M.
Reading Festival – Reading, United Kingdom, August 30 8:00 P.M.
Will any of you be attending these shows?
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AFI has announced five new shows at various festivals for 2009. They are:
Edgefest – Toronto, Canada, June 20 8:00 P.M.
Area 4 Festival – Ludinghausen, Germany, August 22 8:00 P.M.
Highfield Festival – Erhert Hohenfelden, Germany, August 23 8:00 P.M.
Leeds Festival – Leeds, United Kingdom, August 29 8:00 P.M.
Reading Festival – Reading, United Kingdom, August 30 8:00 P.M.
Will any of you be attending these shows?
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AFI Photo Shoot
Hunter has told us via Twitter (is that the only way we find out stuff?) that AFI is currently doing a photo shoot. “I think we’re getting some really good shots!” Hunter says. This is presumably for Crash Love. Some might even go as far as to say that if AFI is in the process of making promotional material for the new album, they must be finished recording, or else they would be in the studio.
However, we never can be too sure. If anything, it looks promising.
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However, we never can be too sure. If anything, it looks promising.
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Sunday, March 29, 2009
Hunter Posts 2nd of 7 Video Responses
Hunter has posted the second video in his series of seven video replies to questions posed him on his blog. The first entry was posted on Friday. The new video, which as of now is only on Hunter’s YouTube page, can be seen here.
In this second video, Hunter discuss Ra Ra Riot, the MacGyver movie, spending sprees, alternate careers, misunderstood ghosts, bee rape, AFI gaming exploits, favorite books, and veganism. Stay tuned after the credit for the discussion of the Big Bad Wolf.
Thanks goes to “Boo Baby Doll” for the tip.
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In this second video, Hunter discuss Ra Ra Riot, the MacGyver movie, spending sprees, alternate careers, misunderstood ghosts, bee rape, AFI gaming exploits, favorite books, and veganism. Stay tuned after the credit for the discussion of the Big Bad Wolf.
Thanks goes to “Boo Baby Doll” for the tip.
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Hunter Posts 1st of 7 Video Responses
Hunter has posted the first of seven video blog responses to questions posed to him by readers of his blog. Many questions led to answers involving horse shoes, bean tattoos, his “dream” girl, and his jazz band aspirations. One question did have to do with Crash Love, however.
Question: “Will we see old songs on the Crash Love tour?”
Answer: “Yes. When AFI tours, we like to have a variety of songs… from each album.”
Click here to see the video.
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Question: “Will we see old songs on the Crash Love tour?”
Answer: “Yes. When AFI tours, we like to have a variety of songs… from each album.”
Click here to see the video.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009
Davey Answers Plethora of Ask AFI Questions
Davey went on a marathon session of answering questions in the “Ask AFI” section of the DF-only part of the board. Seventeen questions in a row were answered. A couple of new facts were picked up from this session:
* The rumored Crash Love release date of 12/29/09 not correct
* AFI will return to New Zealand for the Crash Love tour
* Davey wrote a song about his cat when he was seven
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* The rumored Crash Love release date of 12/29/09 not correct
* AFI will return to New Zealand for the Crash Love tour
* Davey wrote a song about his cat when he was seven
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Release Date Rumors Abound
Davey has cleared up the rumor that Crash Love might be released on December 29, 2009. This was a release date posted here on the Prefix Magazine Web site. Yesterday evening, a user named Raychelc on the Despair Faction asked Davey if this was true. He answered, “No, that’s not right as far as I know.”
The other rumored release date is May 15. That has neither been confirmed nor denied nor discussed by AFI or anybody involved with them. That date is claimed to be the release date by a Swiss music site. The date, which is a Friday, makes sense because music comes out on Fridays in Switzerland. Stay tuned.
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The other rumored release date is May 15. That has neither been confirmed nor denied nor discussed by AFI or anybody involved with them. That date is claimed to be the release date by a Swiss music site. The date, which is a Friday, makes sense because music comes out on Fridays in Switzerland. Stay tuned.
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Friday, March 27, 2009
Jade and Hunter up the Q&A ante
Jade has added four answers to the Q&A session he recently held on his blog, bringing the total to sixteen. This time around he discusses cars, AFI’s views on Dallas, TX, and more. Click here to view the Q&A. Scroll to the bottom to see the four latest answers.
Also, be on the lookout for Hunter’s video reply to questions posed by readers of his blog. Hunter hosted a question-without-answer session earlier, but now he plans to answer the new questions in video form. Judging from his recent Twitter updates, he’s having wind problems. Click here to view the post on Hunter’s blog.
Update: Hunter says through Twitter that he will hopefully have the video up for viewing later tonight.
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Also, be on the lookout for Hunter’s video reply to questions posed by readers of his blog. Hunter hosted a question-without-answer session earlier, but now he plans to answer the new questions in video form. Judging from his recent Twitter updates, he’s having wind problems. Click here to view the post on Hunter’s blog.
Update: Hunter says through Twitter that he will hopefully have the video up for viewing later tonight.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
AFI News Headquarters Expansion Site
AFI News Headquarters just got bigger. I have now set up an online AFI community where you can have your own profile, you can discuss AFI in a forum, and you can even upload and share your own photos and videos to an ever-expanding media library. The news blog will stay put right here, however.
All of this can be found at http://aficrashlove.com. Please sign up, post your favorite photos and videos, and give the forum a visit. Feedback can be given in the guest book.
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All of this can be found at http://aficrashlove.com. Please sign up, post your favorite photos and videos, and give the forum a visit. Feedback can be given in the guest book.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009
DF Signatures Wanted for Shirt
Photos are wanted of your signature for inclusion in a DF shirt, along with a design that is still being discussed. You can make your signature on the computer or scan/photograph a handwritten version. Please use your DF board name. Note: this is a fan-run project. The band themselves are not involved. Send a .jpg image to dfshirt@gmail.com.
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Jade/Hunter Group Vocals, Davey Talks Lyrics
Jade and Hunter dropped us messages on their Twitters about the backing vocals they did on Saturday evening. Jade’s says “backing vocals with friends” and Hunter’s says “‘Anything! Anything! Anything!’ Maxing out these group vocals.”
In other news about lyrics, Davey has answered a question from “The Dreamer” on the Ask AFI section of the message board. The question compliments and thanks Davey for his inspiring lyrics. Davey response:
“Thank you very much Cecelia. I hope you enjoy Crash Love as well. I am quite fond of the lyrics I have written for it. I feel they are by far, some of the best I’ve managed. DXH.”
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In other news about lyrics, Davey has answered a question from “The Dreamer” on the Ask AFI section of the message board. The question compliments and thanks Davey for his inspiring lyrics. Davey response:
“Thank you very much Cecelia. I hope you enjoy Crash Love as well. I am quite fond of the lyrics I have written for it. I feel they are by far, some of the best I’ve managed. DXH.”
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
AFI Email Coming Soon
AFI has announced through their Twitter page that an email will be sent to members of their email list. The short newsletter contains the “A Day in the Life of Natacia,” a reminder about AFI’s Edgefest show in Toronto on June 20, and a link to AFI’s online store.
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Natacia "Day In The Life" Video Posted
A YouTube video has been recently posted on AFI’s YouTube account featuring “A Day in the Life of Natacia.” Natacia was the first winner of the Begin Transmission contest. The video chronicles Smith’s visit to Natacia’s house as she talks about her life, her connection with AFI, and her dad’s glass blowing shop. Click here to view the video.
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Sunday, March 15, 2009
Jade Celebrates Strange Phone Messages
To celebrate the sixth anniversary of Sing the Sorrow last week, Jade posted two media files today. The first one is of Davey singing, with no instrumentation, part of the first verse of “…But Home Is Nowhere,” the album’s final track. The second audio file is several messages on Jade’s phone after the first tour ended for Sing the Sorrow. They range from a short hello from Smith, to a phone company reminder, to hysteric, unintelligible freaking out.
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AFI Videos To Appear On Fuse Yet Again
A third half-hour block of AFI videos will appear on Fuse Monday, March 16 at 4:00 p.m. EST. This block of videos follows the ones on March 6 and February 6. Click here to read about the previous AFI video show on Fuse to get an idea of what will be played this time around.
Also in recent AFI Twitter updates, we see a link to a live audio recording of “The Days of the Phoenix.” This recording is from AFI’s performance on Hard Rock Live. The strange sound at the end of the stream is the sound effect for videopimp.com, the maker of the youtube video from which the stream was taken.
Friday at about noon AFI’s Twitter page displayed a link to a twt.fm stream of “Dancing Through Sunday.” This is the version that appeared on the I Heard A Voice CD. On Sunday afternoon AFI posted a link to a twt.fm stream of “Silver and Cold.” This version of the song is from the music video, and there are several differences from the album version.
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Complete AFI Lyrical Anthology Released
Sorry to digress from the news, but seeing as there hasn’t been much news of late I figure it’s okay.
For several months now I’ve been working on a Complete AFI Lyrical Anthology. This is a Microsoft Word document in which the lyrics of every original AFI song can be found. This includes everything from Decemberunderground to Bombing The Bay – EP to every last B-side. I have tried as hard as I can to make the lyrics accurate and presentable, but corrections are always welcome. You can e-mail any sort of correction to darkflame337@gmail.com.
Click here to visit the site where you can download it from. Don’t worry; the download is quick, easy, and has absolutely no viruses. When you open the document, a dialog box will appear. This is for the purpose of making the document read-only. Simply click the “Read Only” option and the document will appear.
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For several months now I’ve been working on a Complete AFI Lyrical Anthology. This is a Microsoft Word document in which the lyrics of every original AFI song can be found. This includes everything from Decemberunderground to Bombing The Bay – EP to every last B-side. I have tried as hard as I can to make the lyrics accurate and presentable, but corrections are always welcome. You can e-mail any sort of correction to darkflame337@gmail.com.
Click here to visit the site where you can download it from. Don’t worry; the download is quick, easy, and has absolutely no viruses. When you open the document, a dialog box will appear. This is for the purpose of making the document read-only. Simply click the “Read Only” option and the document will appear.
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Saturday, March 14, 2009
Under the Rose #3 Has Been Released
Under the Rose Issue #3 has been released to Despair Faction members only through the official message board. Click here to access the DF-only discussion page about the latest issue.
This issue follows two previous issues, released in 2003 and 2005. Those are available here and here respectively, and are also DF-only.
The issue contains several very interesting interviews, a plethora of exclusive tour photos (including a photo of AFI discovering that Decemberunderground debuted at #1 on the charts!), more eloquent lost lyrics from Davey, some incredible artwork and poetry from DF members, and much more. Truly, it far surpasses the previous two issues. Feel free to discuss, but do not copy and paste any actual content.
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This issue follows two previous issues, released in 2003 and 2005. Those are available here and here respectively, and are also DF-only.
The issue contains several very interesting interviews, a plethora of exclusive tour photos (including a photo of AFI discovering that Decemberunderground debuted at #1 on the charts!), more eloquent lost lyrics from Davey, some incredible artwork and poetry from DF members, and much more. Truly, it far surpasses the previous two issues. Feel free to discuss, but do not copy and paste any actual content.
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Thursday, March 12, 2009
Video of Hunter’s Interview Is Up
The eagerly awaited video of Hunter’s live interview with DJ Rossstar Wednesday night, in which much was revealed, has been posted online.
The interview with Hunter starts after 14 and a half minutes, and Davey calls in at 18:30. Fortunately you can scroll through the video quite fluidly.
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The interview with Hunter starts after 14 and a half minutes, and Davey calls in at 18:30. Fortunately you can scroll through the video quite fluidly.
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DJ Rossstar Interview Rundown
Hunter Burgan went on DJ Rossstar’s Punk Rock Show last night. This is a live web show that can viewed on stickam.com every Wednesday night. Hunter discussed everything from leather jackets to burritos with the DJ, and several fan-submitted questions were actually answered. Hunter remained hilariously/maddeningly tight-lipped throughout, but we did glean several juicy details. In this consolidated version of last night’s madness, I summarize The Big News, The Details, and do my best to paraphrase Davey’s monologue about the new style of lyrics on the record. Enjoy, and be sure to comment with your thoughts!
The Big News:
* Crash Love is indeed the album name
* It will definitely be released in 2009
* 14 songs have been recorded
* AFI will tour once the record is complete
* There will be no intro song
The Details:
* There are guests vocalists on the album.
* “If the DF wants to pick a song for us to play live,” Hunter says, “Sure.”
* The new album is definitely “more of the rock band you want…”
* They will “have something” to do instead of an intro at their live shows.
* Hunter is “bummed out” about the unreleased EP, but the songs are “still there,” and it “will happen” once everybody is “on the same page.”
* The boys came up with the concept of Crash Love while in the studio. They discussed a number of possibilities, and the meanings behind each one. They decided that Crash Love best represented the lyrical and musical themes of the new record.
Davey Crashes the Party
Davey phoned in near the beginning of the interview. Hunter and DJ Rossstar asked him a few questions, mainly about the lyrics. Here are my hastily typed notes about Davey’s response. Again, this is not word for word. I’ve done my best.
“Markedly different direction in majority content on record. Traditionally introversion, more personal outlook. Viewpoints still personal. More social commentary, what’s going on in culture, decline of art and substance, allure of what’s going on in culture and affecting both people who aspire to that, are involved with it, and are involved in the cult of celebrities. Sympathetic point of view from one side, less sympathetic from other side. In some moments you see more traditional lyrical styles.”
Hunter then told Davey that “these are the best lyrics you’ve ever written.”
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The Big News:
* Crash Love is indeed the album name
* It will definitely be released in 2009
* 14 songs have been recorded
* AFI will tour once the record is complete
* There will be no intro song
The Details:
* There are guests vocalists on the album.
* “If the DF wants to pick a song for us to play live,” Hunter says, “Sure.”
* The new album is definitely “more of the rock band you want…”
* They will “have something” to do instead of an intro at their live shows.
* Hunter is “bummed out” about the unreleased EP, but the songs are “still there,” and it “will happen” once everybody is “on the same page.”
* The boys came up with the concept of Crash Love while in the studio. They discussed a number of possibilities, and the meanings behind each one. They decided that Crash Love best represented the lyrical and musical themes of the new record.
Davey Crashes the Party
Davey phoned in near the beginning of the interview. Hunter and DJ Rossstar asked him a few questions, mainly about the lyrics. Here are my hastily typed notes about Davey’s response. Again, this is not word for word. I’ve done my best.
“Markedly different direction in majority content on record. Traditionally introversion, more personal outlook. Viewpoints still personal. More social commentary, what’s going on in culture, decline of art and substance, allure of what’s going on in culture and affecting both people who aspire to that, are involved with it, and are involved in the cult of celebrities. Sympathetic point of view from one side, less sympathetic from other side. In some moments you see more traditional lyrical styles.”
Hunter then told Davey that “these are the best lyrics you’ve ever written.”
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hunter To Appear on DJ Rossstar Wednesday
Hunter Burgan will be appearing on DJ Rossstar’s Punk Rock Show on Wednesday, March 11 at 10:00 p.m. EST. The show will be streamed live online at stickam.com. Don’t worry about having to look for it; it will be featured on the night of the show. You will actually be able to see Hunter live, and best of all: it’s free. This is Hunter’s second appearance on the show.
Eastern Time: 10:00 pm
Central Time: 9:00 pm
Mountain Time: 8:00 pm
Pacific Time: 7:00 pm
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Eastern Time: 10:00 pm
Central Time: 9:00 pm
Mountain Time: 8:00 pm
Pacific Time: 7:00 pm
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Monday, March 9, 2009
Davey to Voice Character In "Godkiller"
Davey Havok will be lending his voice in a Halo-8 theatrical film based on a comic book called “Godkiller.” He will be voicing a character named Dragos in the film, which mixes elements of anime, radio drama, video games, and comics. The film is listed as “in production” and parts of it will be released through the spring and summer with a full theatrical release in the fall.
Click here to read the first two installments of the comic book
Click here for more information about the movie
Click here for the movie’s IMDB page
Click here for the movie trailer
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Click here to read the first two installments of the comic book
Click here for more information about the movie
Click here for the movie’s IMDB page
Click here for the movie trailer
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Sunday, March 8, 2009
Under the Rose #3 Out "Extremely Soon"

In a new sub-forum on the Despair Faction boards, Gavin the administrator is asking for Despair Faction members to discuss how to improve the DF. He says AFI are “brimming with ideas and plans” as they “begin a new phase of evolution.”
Another big announcement is that the third issue of Under The Rose, the official AFI magazine, will soon be released. “Extremely soon” according to the announcement.
This is not about the message board. This is AFI wanting to know where DF heads are in 2009 as we prepare to release Under the Rose 3 extremely soon (!) and enter the world of Crash Love.
Click here to read Gavin’s post, and click here to make a suggestion to improve the Despair Faction. (Photo Credit: KailyX)
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Saturday, March 7, 2009
AFI On Fuse’s "Loaded" Friday Night
A half hour block of AFI music videos played on Fuse’s show “Loaded” Friday at 12:30 a.m. Eastern Time. That’s 9:30 p.m. Pacific Time. The show was the second in a series that began on February 6th, exactly one month ago.
The videos played were: Miss Murder, Silver and Cold, Girl’s Not Grey, Love Like Winter, The Days of the Phoenix, and The Leaving Song Pt. 2. Keep your eyes open for future AFI videos on Fuse.
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The videos played were: Miss Murder, Silver and Cold, Girl’s Not Grey, Love Like Winter, The Days of the Phoenix, and The Leaving Song Pt. 2. Keep your eyes open for future AFI videos on Fuse.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Jade: "We’re Gonna Tour Like Crazy"
As part of a Q&A session Jade is currently holding on his blog, a question was asked about AFI’s touring plans for the future. Jade gave an answer that is likely to make you collapse on the ground with joy and sing your heart out. Just make sure you aren’t within fifteen feet of any breakable glass when you read his answer…
Let the madness begin.
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We’re gonna tour like crazy on our new record. Crazy dumb gumby amount of touring. Not sure which tours those will be but we’ve got some things in the works already. Florida will be on our list, of course. We’ll probably play at Shaq’s house.
Let the madness begin.
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Mark Posts Begin Transmission Blog, Describes Songs
Mark, one of the Begin Transmission winners, has begun his weekend diary “fashionably late.” Because it seems like the blog will be continuously updated through the night, so keep checking back.
His first update explains why the update is rather belated. (He went on a tour the day after his day in the studio.) I’d say that’s a good excuse, and I know we all look forward to his updates.
Not yet in his blog, but on the Despair Faction boards, Mark described the first song he heard as “odd” and the second song he heard reminded him of “the breakdown of ‘A Story At Three’ with ‘Affliction.’” He followed that up by saying “without trying to go into detail about the song, there are reasons I’m reminded of those songs.”
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
His first update explains why the update is rather belated. (He went on a tour the day after his day in the studio.) I’d say that’s a good excuse, and I know we all look forward to his updates.
Not yet in his blog, but on the Despair Faction boards, Mark described the first song he heard as “odd” and the second song he heard reminded him of “the breakdown of ‘A Story At Three’ with ‘Affliction.’” He followed that up by saying “without trying to go into detail about the song, there are reasons I’m reminded of those songs.”
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Jade Explains Unreleased EP
Once upon a time, an EP was supposed to be released. It kept getting delayed, and soon it seemed it would never see the light of day. Until last night, nobody outside of the band knew anything about the EP’s status. Here is Jade, writing about it in the Ask AFI section of the Despair Faction boards.
It seems we can forget about the EP for now. Click here to see the Ask AFI question Jade is answering. Note: You need to be a DF member to access that section of the boards.
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“The EP. There was indeed much talk of an EP but we decided to release the new record first, since it’s much more important. Those songs still exist and will hopefully see the light of day at some point after the new record comes out, they’re just too good to keep in the dark. But the new record is better so we want to concentrate on that first and foremost. Good?“
It seems we can forget about the EP for now. Click here to see the Ask AFI question Jade is answering. Note: You need to be a DF member to access that section of the boards.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Jade Has Solos On Upcoming Album
On Twitter, Hunter was asked by “KyleeTrotter” whether Jade would have any solos on the new album. Hunter replied: “Oh man…does he ever! I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well.”
In the Ask AFI section of the Despair Faction boards, Jade talks about the possibility of solos: “I don’t want to tell tales outside of school, but there could indeed be some solos on the new record.” Mark, one of the winners of the Begin Transmission contest, says: “I can confirm I have heard one of the Jade solos. That is all.” Desperate attempts to loosen his tongue have failed.
Solos aren’t commonplace on AFI albums, but aren’t unheard of either. Recently, Jade has shown off on “6 To 8,” “Dancing Through Sunday,” and “The Killing Lights.” The words of Hunter, Jade and Mark imply that there may be more than one solo on the upcoming album.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Solos aren’t commonplace on AFI albums, but aren’t unheard of either. Recently, Jade has shown off on “6 To 8,” “Dancing Through Sunday,” and “The Killing Lights.” The words of Hunter, Jade and Mark imply that there may be more than one solo on the upcoming album.
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Raine’s Brother Describes Two "Crash Love" Songs
The brother of Raine, one of the winners of the Begin Transmission, was in the studio when the winners recorded their vocals for the new album. Afterwards, the winners were able to hear two songs off the record, including the one they contributed vocals to. Here is Raine’s brother’s short description:
“They’re definitely hard, melodic arena glam rock. Still some punk influences (some whoas in the chorus) but I didn’t hear any hardcore screaming. The two songs I heard are most like “The Missing Frame” off of Decemberunderground, but a little faster and more upbeat.” Take from this what you will, and be sure to comment. Also, click here to see the original thread on the Linkin Park fan site.
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Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Monday, March 2, 2009
About the Shirt Davey Wore…

In several photos taken of the Begin Transmission winners’ day recording with AFI, Davey is wearing a shirt given to the band by the winners. The shirt is all handwritten and features a drawing of Smith riding on the hood of Natacia’s car.
I have finally gotten the story behind the shirt. It is from a super secret source whose name I shall not disclose. (Okay, Christy…) Apparently a shirt was sent around the country to each winner. When one received the shirt, they would write a message to the next winner. The last winner, Christy, wrote to the entire Despair Faction.
I’ve been able to read bits and pieces of the shirt, and my transcription (complete with frustratingly long blank spots) can be found here on the DF boards.
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New Album Title Is Officially "Crash Love"
In Uncategorized on March 2, 2009 at 1:00 am
Note: this is an updated version of a story that ran on February 25, 2009.
It’s official. The title of AFI’s forthcoming studio album will be “Crash Love.” The announcement came through a press release issued by AFI’s official PR company, Nasty Little Man. Though this relationship is not very well known, they are indeed a legitimate source.
The release implies that the EdgeFest 2009 show will begin AFI’s summer/fall tour, though this is not confirmed. The only concrete thing we know up to this point is that the album’s name is Crash Love. Here is the press release:
Davey Havok, Jade Puget, Hunter Burgan and Adam Carson, collectively known as AFI, will be releasing their eight studio album, CRASH LOVE, later this year on Interscope Records.
The band and producer Joe McGrath were recently joined at Los Angeles’ Conway Studios by the winners of the recent Begin Transmission contest, in which the band members personally went through thousands of fan-made video submissions and chose a handful of entrants to contribute backing vocals to the new album.
The members of AFI also chose Honorable Mentions from the Begin Transmission contestants, each of whom received a handmade Valentine’s Day card by the member of AFI who chose him or her.
AFI will play its first live show of 2009 June 20 at Edgefest in Toronto. Tickets go on sale Saturday, February 28.
CRASH LOVE follows up two consecutive platinum AFI albums, 2006’s DECEMBERUNDERGROUND and 2003’s SING THE SORROW. AFI’s discography also includes the full lengths THE ART OF DROWNING (2000), BLACK SAILS IN THE SUNSET (1999), SHUT YOUR MOUTH & OPEN YOUR EYES (1997), VERY PROUD OF YA (1996) and ANSWER THAT AND STAY FASHIONABLE (1995)
Once again, folks, this is real. “Crash Love” is the title of the new album. The release has been reproduced by numerous music sites such as AbsolutePunk.net.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
Note: this is an updated version of a story that ran on February 25, 2009.
It’s official. The title of AFI’s forthcoming studio album will be “Crash Love.” The announcement came through a press release issued by AFI’s official PR company, Nasty Little Man. Though this relationship is not very well known, they are indeed a legitimate source.
The release implies that the EdgeFest 2009 show will begin AFI’s summer/fall tour, though this is not confirmed. The only concrete thing we know up to this point is that the album’s name is Crash Love. Here is the press release:
Davey Havok, Jade Puget, Hunter Burgan and Adam Carson, collectively known as AFI, will be releasing their eight studio album, CRASH LOVE, later this year on Interscope Records.
The band and producer Joe McGrath were recently joined at Los Angeles’ Conway Studios by the winners of the recent Begin Transmission contest, in which the band members personally went through thousands of fan-made video submissions and chose a handful of entrants to contribute backing vocals to the new album.
The members of AFI also chose Honorable Mentions from the Begin Transmission contestants, each of whom received a handmade Valentine’s Day card by the member of AFI who chose him or her.
AFI will play its first live show of 2009 June 20 at Edgefest in Toronto. Tickets go on sale Saturday, February 28.
CRASH LOVE follows up two consecutive platinum AFI albums, 2006’s DECEMBERUNDERGROUND and 2003’s SING THE SORROW. AFI’s discography also includes the full lengths THE ART OF DROWNING (2000), BLACK SAILS IN THE SUNSET (1999), SHUT YOUR MOUTH & OPEN YOUR EYES (1997), VERY PROUD OF YA (1996) and ANSWER THAT AND STAY FASHIONABLE (1995)
Once again, folks, this is real. “Crash Love” is the title of the new album. The release has been reproduced by numerous music sites such as AbsolutePunk.net.
Note: On June 30, 2010 AFI News HQ was hacked and all posts were deleted. This is one of the posts that was affected. The text here was imported from a backup, but all of the original comments are gone and the author credited below is only responsible for reposting in most cases.
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